Offering your collection to the world
Los Angeles New York Hong Kong London
Whether you have one painting to sell or an entire estate…
The global market for fine art and prints, mid-century furniture and objects, jewelry, Hollywood and sports memorabilia and more, continues to grow and appreciate.
Asian and Native American and other antiquities are highly desirable collectibles, as are coins, rare books, manuscripts, automobiles, and wine.
How it Works
I offer a complimentary consultation to determine if there is a market for items you want to offer at auction. Once that is completed, I send a contract outlining my services, which include additional research and reaching out to the most appropriate auction houses to determine their interest, gain estimated auction values, and decide where your pieces might achieve the best results.
Next Step
Thanks to my long-standing relationships with experts at major auction houses around the globe and my understanding of the business, I am able to obtain information in a timely manner before negotiating the best possible consignment terms for my clients.
Contracts with the auction house are then signed, and delivery arrangements are made